Chris Georgiades is a distinguished lawyer and partner at Chrysses Demetriades Law Firm and Associates, specialising in Corporate law. He is a Legal Adviser and member of several Boards including Cyprus and Foreign Public Companies as well as of many Private Companies.
Kamel Abunahl has more than 15 years of experience in the insurance industry including the time he served at the Lloyds Syndicate in London.
Kikis Kazamias was the Executive Director of the Limassol Co-operative Bank. He has served for ten years as a member of the Parliamentary Committee for Financial and Budgetary Affairs. He has also represented the Cyprus Parliament in numerous international meetings abroad. During the period 2004-2010 representing Cyprus he was Member of the European Court of Auditors in Luxembourg. His contribution to the Cypriot economy has played an important role since he was Minister of Finance.
Andreas Constantinides holds a BA Honors degree in Economics and is a Fellow of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. During his career as Assurance Partner at PwC Cyprus, he has managed a large portfolio of audit clients both publicly listed and major private organisations and has extensive experience in audits of international entities and consolidations. He was substantially involved in European and Eastern Markets. He serves as a Board Member of a number of Organizations and Companies.
Marios Hadjiyiannakis is the Chief Executive Officer of «Globe Invest». Prior to serving the aforementioned company, he held the CEO position at Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited, the Cyprus based subsidiary of the investment bank Renaissance Capital. Before joining Renaissance Capital, Marios was the founding partner of Egnatia Financial Services (Cyprus) Ltd, one of the three leading domestic investment firms in Cyprus. During the period 2016-2018, Marios worked with Playtech Plc, listed on the London Stock Exchange, as the CEO of Playtech’s regulated investment services subsidiaries. Marios holds a BA (Hons) in Industrial Economics and Accounting from the University of Nottingham. He is a Chartered Accountant with extensive experience at Coopers & Lybrand UK. He has been involved at national level in the roll out of initially the investment services directive and subsequently MiFID I and MiFID II into domestic national legislation in Cyprus. Marios Hadjiyiannakis is a Member of the Governance Committee of the National Investor Compensation Fund for clients of the Cyprus investment firms, Chairman of CySEC regulated Trade Capital Markets Limited and a non-executive Director of Hellas Sat Limited.
Mr Christodoulou is the Chief Executive Officer of Trust Insurance Cyprus. He holds a HND, BSc and MSc in Computer Controls and completed his studies in 1990. He has been certified in Interpersonal Relationships and Marketing and has acquired the Certificate of Chartered Director from the Institute of Directors, UK. In 1994, he began his career in the Insurance Industry holding various managerial positions in both the General and Life Sector. In 2016, he was awarded the annual IN Business Awards, as “Manager of the Year”. In addition, under his management, Trust Insurance has received the "Platinum Employer of the Year 2017" award by the Investors in People of the London International Office, which is particularly recognised as being the first Company to receive Platinum in Cyprus and the first to be recognised internationally for its practices. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Cyprus Insurance Companies Association, the Cyprus Insurance Consortium as well as the World Trade Center (Cyprus) Ltd.