business auto insurance cyprus

24/7 Roadside Assistance

Imagine being stranded on the road, hundreds of miles away from home. It’s late, you’re tired and all you want to do is get back home safe. In a situation like, 24/7 roadside assistance comes in handy.

In Cyprus, roadside assistance is an essential part of car insurance coverage. It’s a service that provides any kind of help you may need should an emergency arise while driving.

Whether it’s a flat tire, a dead battery, or an empty fuel tank, you can rest assured that help is just a call away. Trust Insurance company in Cyprus provides 24-hour roadside assistance as an optional coverage to the mandatory third-party liability, so that you can get the help you need, when you need it.

What Is The Number Of Roadside Assistance?

Help is on the way with Trust Insurance’s emergency roadside assistance.

Our 24/7 Roadside Assistance hotline is 77 77 81 07. A specialist will be on the line to help you assess your situation and offer prompt assistance.

What Car Damages Roadside Assistance C overs?

Stay safe with fast, reliable roadside assistance from Trust Insurance. Our experienced and friendly professionals will help you get back on the road quickly and safely with a range of services, including:

  • Towing services
  • Jump-starts for dead batteries
  • Flat tire replacement or repair
  • In the case of lack of fuel, the immobilized vehicle is transferred to the nearest gas station.
  • Lock-out assistance if you have lost your keys

Are There Any Exemptions?

Most car insurance policies cover the cost of the services listed above, but there are instances where insurance may not provide coverage due to some exclusions listed in the policy. These exemptions include:

  • Natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, or other natural disasters
  • Damage from careless driving
  • Vehicle damage resulting from track events and racing
  • Deliberate vandalism or theft of the car

What Happens In The Event Of A Road Accident?

As much as avoiding a road accident is always a priority,

it’s important to know what happens if something goes wrong. Immediately call for help and, if necessary, call the police and an ambulance. Easy as it is to overlook things during an accident, policy holders must remember:

  • Do not leave the scene of the accident
  • Take photos of the crash
  • Exchange contact and insurance information with the other party involved
  • Write down the exact location of the accident for reference.

Get Roadside Assistance Insurance From Trust Insurance

No matter where the road or your journey takes you, Trust Insurance has got you covered. Insure your car with 24/7 roadside assistance and drive in Cyprus with safety, without any worries if something goes wrong.

For more inquiries about 24/7 roadside assistance from Trust Insurance, visit our website or contact our customer service team or your local insurance agent today.

Learn about How To Check That My Car Is Insured In Cyprus?

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